My Portfolio

Here's where you can find my favourite projects and all its details:

Weby is a Social network application that stays off the beaten track: no reels, no extra ads, not trying to call for your attention. It serves just one purpose: keeping track on your friends and family (which it's ultimately the purpose of a Social network).

React | MongoDB | Node.js | express

See Github See API

GeoQuête is an innovative web3 application, built for a Hackathon in ETHGlobal Paris, that combines the thrill of a treasure hunt with the excitement of exploring different places and cultures around the world.

NEAR protocol | React | UMA

See Github Live project

Copa Ventura stands as a tranquil countryside retreat nestled within the secluded Ronda mountain range in Málaga. This website is built through innovative SCSS techniques and conversion-focused strategies, designed to facilitate its renting.

SCSS | HTML | Node.js

See Github See website

Client-side block for the Bukness App, a Single Page Appication (SPA) where registered users can scroll through numerous books about business, personal growth, emotional intelligence, self-help... and find information about them.

React | React navigation | Redux | Node.js

Case Study Live project

"Banderillas" is a fun and educational app built with Next.js featuring quizzes to guess flags and capitals of countries worldwide. Users can test their knowledge, show up in the top score, and learn about global geography in an engaging way.

Next.js | React | SOLID principles

See Github Live project
betours' logo

Be - Tours

Betours is a Next.js app, built using dynamic routes to showcase travelling tours and following modern style practices. The application uses filtering to fetch upcoming events. It is built following best practices on NextJS principles and responsive design.

React | React navigation

See Github Live project
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